Most people like to travel, or at least, like to vacation. There is a different between travelling and vacationing. You don’t have to travel in order to vacation. If you are not able to travel comfortably on a bus or plane or train, you could take what is now called ‘stay-cation’ and get all the benefits of vacationing without ever leaving the comfort of your own town. There are several ways that you can do this.
- You can stay in your own home because have no contact with friends or family or work just like you would on a real vacation. There’s no running errands, no cleaning, no doing anything that you wouldn’t do on an out of town vacation.
- You could find a nice hotel in your area to stay in or maybe in the outskirts of your city where it’s less busy and use cheap charter buses to view the city like a tourist.
Here are some reasons why you should take time to explore your city.
Can Stay Close to Home in Case of Emergency
If you have children or elderly parents and someone that depends on you, it can be incredibly difficult trying to leave town even if just for a few days. If you are their primary caregiver, it can cause confusion and insecurity when someone else comes to take over. This makes long trips infrequent and even when they do happen, you likely spend the whole time worrying that something is going wrong. The great thing about stay-cations is that even if you are staying in a hotel, you can stop by the house every day if need be and check up on things. It also means that should there be an emergency, you can take there very quickly.
Don’t Have to Take As Many Days
Part of the reason why many people don’t go on vacation is because they can get enough days off or in order to make it worth the money, they’d have to be gone for awhile and they just aren’t into that. During a stay-cation, you can make it as short or long as you want. If you just want to take two days on cheap charter buses and explore the city before going back to work, then you can do that.
Don’t Have to Spend Money on Renting a Car
You don’t even have to take the bus, if you skip the cheap charter buses and use your own car and not have to pay fees for buses, taxis, parking or rental cars. All of that stuff can really add up during a vacation.
Can Take the Kids Sometimes
There were a set of parents that went camping for the first time since they had kids. Two days into their 5 day trip they missed their kids so much that they just packed up early and went home. This is not an uncommon occurrence. Parents miss their children. Staying close to home gives you the option to bring your kids or to leave them home, depending on how you feel.
Can Become More Informed Regarding Your City
You could do something like get on touring cheap charter buses and cruise the town, seeing how many places are around that you never even knew about. Or you could even map out your own tour and use your car to do it so you’re on less of a time restraint.
Can Save Money in Certain Areas
It was already mentioned that you would save money in car rental fees but how about eating out and traveling expense like tickets, etc. You could even skip the hotel, stay in your own home but ensure that everyone understands the rules of your stay-cation.
Can Check on Your Own Home
When you go out of town, you often need someone to check in on your pets, check your mail and water your plants. If you pay someone to do that, that’s another penny saved because you can technically do it yourself as long as you don’t get caught up in opening bills and then going through your budget and paying the bills and then end up just living a normal life. Set ground rules for yourself or a certain amount of time you will let yourself be home.