The end of the summer is nearing. Children all over the country are preparing to go back to school. Some schools have even already begun. Yet, the sun is still shining and the weather is still summer like. It is a great time to fit in a last minute family vacation. Labor Day provides a long vacation for many. The weather will even be warm for a few weekends after that. It may be the last chance that many families have the opportunity to take a family vacation, until next summer. Camping is a great family vacation that can be planned last minute, that is low cost and that every family member will enjoy.
Camping is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in the United States, whether it is in a tent at a campground, a recreational vehicle or even just in the backyard. In 2013, the revenue of campgrounds and RV parks was estimated at around 5 billion U.S. dollars. Many families enjoy camping, because it is low cost and because there are so many camping activities available. Children get the opportunity to spend some time outdoors and families have the chance to creating memories together.
The other great thing about camping trips is that they can be customized. Each camping participant, whether staying in a tent, RV, cabin, bivy, or yurt, spent an average of 14.9 days camping. Camping can be made into a long vacation or it can be done in a quick weekend getaway trip. This is because you can camp in numerous locations. If you choose to take a trip that is longer than a week, you can travel out of state to a destination. If you are short on time, you can choose one of the campgrounds that are nearby your home.
Camping also allows you to cater to all of your family member?s preferences and hobbies. Camping can be done in tents, RVs, or cabin rentals. You can even bring your family to camp nearby an amusement park or splash park. Additionally, amusement parks and campsites are generally not closed for certain seasons. 90% of amusement parks operate year round. Most camping sites also remain open for most of the year. This allows families to take camping trips in the winter months, as well.
Camping provides many activity options for all family members. Most camping is done in an outdoor setting, making things like hiking, biking and swimming popular camping activities. Some campgrounds have common rooms with indoor pools and indoor activities for rainy days. You can introduce your children to things like fishing, skiing, volleyball, baseball and rock climbing. Many families may plan their camping destination around the specific types of activities they wish to do with their family members. Those who really enjoy fishing may look for a campsite with a great fishing area. Those who wish to try out hiking may look for a campsite that offers great hiking trails.
Amusement park camping has become very popular among camping trips. Children really enjoy amusement parks. Amusement parks and splash pads can be expensive for large families, so families have the opportunity to save on lodging costs with camping. Also, children get to experience all the fun the amusement park offers, while continuing the fun at the campground. Camping really provides children with lasting memories and the opportunity to explore the outdoors.
The summer is coming to an end and children are getting ready for a long and busy schoolyear. However, with the weather still warm and the sun still shining, right now is the perfect time to plan a last minute family camping trip. Camping trips are low cost, making them perfect for last minute trips. They can be done locally and provide so many activities that pretty much any family member will find any activity that they like.