After you are in a car accident, you might not know what to do. How do you get yourself out of this stressful situation? Follow these tips below to learn how.

Check for injuries first. If there any, immediately call 911 and inform them that you need urgent medical attention. Give specifics about your location.

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If you’re on a freeway or a country road, describe any landmarks you can see.

Call the police after the collision. Obtain the names and phone numbers of any police officers that respond to the scene. Fill out a report with the cops on the site and request a copy of the report or the report number.

Collect as much information as you can: Take the full names, addresses, and phone numbers of all parties involved, including drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and any eyewitnesses. Know the other vehicles’ license plate numbers, make and model.

Also, take as many pictures as you can of the accident scene, the people involved, the vehicle, and anything else that may have an impact on why and how the accident occurred. Before engaging with your insurance provider or representative from the other insurance company, consult with a personal accident lawyer first. Then you can contact your insurance company.

Finally, don’t assume that you don’t have an injury. Many injuries sustained in car accidents, such as whiplash, do not manifest themselves immediately. Seek medical attention if you suspect you are not well. Get the help of medics, police, insurance company, witnesses, and an accident lawyer after being involved in a car crash.


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