“The leafiest tree doesn’t always have the juiciest fruit” is one Panamanian proverb worth keeping in mind. When it comes to traveling, this phrase could easily apply to exploring the undiscovered wonders of Panama, a country that manages to touch two different oceans at once.
Of course there is always the allure of countries like Italy or England, where there is a firmly set path of things you can see, and buses you can hop on and off. But just because these countries might be the ones everyone goes to, doesn’t mean they hold the most promise for your visit. There are many juicy surprises in store for people who decide to check out Panama. Here are three great ways to have an adventure in the country whose motto is “Pro Mundi Beneficio” — “For the Benefit of the World.”
1. Nvidia Bat Cave
Want to do something none of your other friends have done with vacationing in California or Spain? Spend a half day visiting the Nivida Cave on Isla Bastimentos. First, you get to explore Bahia Honda through the use of a kayak. You’ll be able to see iguanas, patch reefs, mangrove trees, and even dolphins. The cave has hundreds of bats on the ceiling — an impressive site. After this part, though, you get to a section without bats, and encounter a typical river cave with water warm enough for swimming.
2. Luxury Living in Panama City Condos for Sale
Not everything has to just be a visit. If you like Panama enough, why not live there? It’s easy to live like a king in a country where the cost of living is far lower than it is in the U.S. And for expats with enough monthly income, there are great benefits that come with the Pensionado program, including continual deals on entertainment, transportation and more. Real estate investment opportunities are numerous in this coastal city that thousands of Americans have moved to.
3. Bocas Del Toro
Just one hour out of Panama City is the Bocas del Toro island chain, and it’s definitely worth visiting if you’re craving a Caribbean destination without the Caribbean getaway prices. With beautiful beaches and bright blue water, it’s a tropical haven with a lot of authenticity thanks to a lower density of tourism.
Does Panama real estate and the possibility of luxury living there entice you? Let us know in the comments. Learn more about this topic here.